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5 strategies to build your business and make your first millions on the Internet.
Practical advice on developing personal creativity

(Conseils Concrets pour Stimuler et Développer Votre Créativité Individuelle)

Guide - 5 strategies to build your business and make your first millions on the Internet,

Summary :  You will discover in this teaching guide, three tips and key solutions, to build, carry out a business and reach your first millions on the Internet. This is the replica of the Video teaching that comes with the book.

Orientation Objectives : For Amateurs and Professionals. Download the rules

Objectifs d'Orientation: Pour Amateurs et Professionnels. Téléchargez votre version gratuite du Guide numérique.

Silhouettes de travail
General Product Description

1 - Jobs related to the GDPR

Digital economy - Since the GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) was put in place by Law n ° 2010/012 of December 21, 2010 relating to cybersecurity and cybercrime in Cameroon, Law n ° 2010/013 of December 21, 2010 governing electronic communications in Cameroon, Law n ° 2010/021 of December 21, 2010 governing electronic commerce in Cameroon, Law n ° 2006/018 of December 29, 2006 governing advertising, and Law n ° 2011 / 012 of May 6, 2011 on consumer protection, all companies have had to adapt to comply.

Condition to be fulfilled

The volunteer who seeks to become a qualified auto-entrepreneur, could obtain the personalized professional product and integrate the job as an influencer, salesperson or distributor on condition of preparing to follow a rapid training in HR management and business administration. to create and work on the development of their professional project based on the product model ❤.

Be assisted by a volunteer who should help him to animate to develop his professional digital economic platform to create contact lists and meet simple conditions set by AGCE in terms of employment and / or business and auto -employment seeking a professional retraining of its user at departmental or regional level. Be between 15 and 35 years old and be in good physical and mental health, not have a criminal record and reside close to the group or in one of the countries on the eligibility list to become an expert volunteer ( e) professional adviser.


The candidate should complete prerequisites such as:

• Register in advance for a group native to the action program of the AGCE organization.

• Have a CAP / BEPC level (with or without a diploma) or a baccalaureate level (without having obtained the diploma).

• To have identified at least the product which is a Guide enriched by AGCE to strengthen the capacities of its users and visitors in the Groups who wish to use this Niche as its professional track for its lasting affiliation.

• Be ready to invest financially, physically and morally by joining the targeted professional project and to make an informed commitment to qualifying training by following your supervisor.

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Help content

The professional user of his personalized product, being a member registered in a support group of AGCE


is helped by a volunteer expert as part of his professional project, to create and develop the business for which he or she is seeking funding. He or she will first benefit from the work of the engineer who will advise him to work for the prior personalization of the professional project into a specifically structured “AGCE Group Product” business model, by displaying his secure professional digital economy: B2B, TPS 1.0, Web 2.0, SSL in a single shareable interface in order to offer the young candidate a job in sustainable Human Resources and Administration management.  Download the preliminary design template linked to this file.


The beneficiary will be helped by rapid training on the objectives of the company, on the commitment to be made as a user of the service to ensure the continuity of his self-employment position with actions of which the main user is '' preparing to make a career there online and live, offering public and private services through a beloved niche, actively recommending products of his brand already personalized with his data, sound, images, texts and addresses right now already integrated into the niche, to recruit new subscribers in its working group, which new members recruited into the job provided by the personalization of the product also allows them to work through a digital economic platform of company dedicated to young self-employed people, this to the basic model for a professional retraining of all.


It will benefit:


An online framework,

An online and live reception area,

· Minimum financial support of FCFA 4,000,000 (6,106.87 euros) to create and develop the company physically in a space suitable for welcoming visitors.


"This sum could evolve up to FCFA 97 706 972 (149 170.94 Euro) and up to FCFA 293 120 916 (447 512.84) depending on the level of involvement of the professional project in the professional retraining of young people in the district, departmental and regional level. "


  1. An allowance for housing, food, clothing, education, health and welfare for the secondment of the candidate from the family help, and even if he continues to live in the family, he should be completely detach from the financial support of the parents if name, he should register as a trainee candidate.

  2. In addition to all these benefits, other rewards per% and fixed amount will be possible for life.


Per percentage offered as a reward to the beneficiary of a personalized active platform:


Calculated at the rate of% on the turnover achieved by the performance of the niche visible on the Platform of your personalized online business:

1. Commissions rate to be collected 30% if the same platform is ordered and paid without discount by your friend,

2. Premium per point to be collected accumulated on the activity 10% if the visitor orders an enriched niche identical to yours,

3. Flying Blue Ticket (Annual bonus) 5% if you accumulate a significant turnover of likes, views, followers and comments over 1500 per 1 month or 2 months on your niche product banner.


Therefore, the amount after conversion of the percentage to be shared with the main active member of the personalized multi-service platform, due to the financial levy for employment and the recommendation of his platform to the same model to a friend who invites him to visit and that the latter pays it at an identical value to that paid by the main user at the base, for example at a very high price of FCFA 754,000 (1,151.14 euros) for a reward that will follow.




Reward 1: Net commission, FCFA 410 125 x 30/100 = FCFA 123 087.5

Reward 2: Net premium, FCFA 410 125 x 10/100 = FCFA 41 012.5

Reward  3: Blue Flying Ticket FCFA 410 125 x 5/100 = FCFA 20,506.25


Practical technical support given by a volunteer in a cooking or food health or well-being workshop and training to become a trainer in an online digital economic workshop for a total duration of 3 to 6 months with work placement.


The workshop managers are mixed (girls and boys of displaced persons, internal immigrants or not, and will be able to welcome nationals from all regions for a limited period of 3 to 6 months with placement in the company.


The product of the Niche of an AGCE Group, mainly deals with young girls and young men in rupture or in transition phase, adults M / F needing professional retraining with a mastery of the professional digital economy through profitable business channels with high added value, commonly practiced with services / products to be delivered locally or abroad.

Concept performance

The AGCE Group's niche product benefits from a plurality of approaches that stand out from each other according to the links that orient themselves towards points of view from which we apprehend it. Thus, within the framework of our concept, the emphasis is fundamentally on the definitions taken into account by specialists in the management of the product of professional niches enriched with profitable links to users, volunteers and recruits. Indeed, in the management of this concept, the product is considered as "a growing sustainable cooperative enterprise where to federate resources decided on niche markets and customizable in order to produce multidimensional results, on the one hand a downloadable service and on the other hand, a physical product, but in a direct support service which will remain delivered within a deadline and with limited resources ”to the consumer.

Far from being an end in itself, the product is therefore a means to effectively achieve a change in strategies in youth employment, to fight effectively against unemployment in Cameroon and Africa, allowing a beneficiary (natural or legal person ), achieve high levels in personal and common goals predetermined by our niche market approach model.

The desired change locally, provides the very raison d'être of the service on which the product to function effectively in a digital post, it comes from the dissatisfaction of young people disadvantaged by the absence of inclusive elements that we must correct, this implies from all of us the desire to seize this attractive technology of employment to mobilize young girls, women and volunteers. AGCE Groupe's niche product therefore necessarily aims to resolve the problem of the absence of an individual private, public production structure to support social integration through technologies of the economies of professional digital culture among people integrated into a GROUP. CENTER with the aim of satisfying a need for employment in the short and medium term by empowerment in local structured activities.

The main goal, is that the users manage to materialize their progress with well-known elaborate policies proposed by their project to achieve specific objectives formulated by people in a private or public policy. The niche product is characterized by its uniqueness, its business runtime which is limited to 3 years to assess existential potential, and rapid user training between 3 to 6 months given the multiplicity of complexities of sales systems. online and the people involved in its execution, and by the requirement to respect performance, quality, cost and time constraints.

Grant and spinoff

The forecasts which are communicated in the profitability study presented in an Affiliate Guide annexed to this preliminary draft, show rapid growth in the AGCE Groupe position once the personalization dedicated to each user has been completed. In this phase, each customization completed, its implementation phase will serve as an example in 3 years of its functioning both numerically and physically, serving to develop its economy, except for unforeseen events. The project is in solidarity with its groups who participate in its use, its development until the empowerment of those who register to seek help with the personalization of their niche in a professional capacity, is what explains very attractive returns on net assets, as presented in the study that could be delivered to local and external financiers for public and private subsidies. Contact us Click here and contact us to discuss the feasibility of the plan.
The forecasts show a rapid growth of the cooperative enterprise after physical establishment and its growing online development by the end of each year and its social economic explosion in three years (3 years). In the third year from its launch, the product will encompass market trends in niches that each entrepreneur will aim to achieve with 100% of its completion. The maximum support expected from donors, amounting to a total of: FCFA 293 120 916, (Euro 447 512, 94), will make it possible to spread the services at the district, departmental and regional level over the duration of the execution of the program. AGCE-App Center which will complete its evaluation by 2026.
But the initiators wish to bring together: FCFA 97,706,972 (143,170.94 EUROS), in the first year for the personalization of integration technologies in order to ensure social professional retraining through the employment of people engaged in the development of their business. What represents the support of the organization AGCE itself, covers the incubation of the product at the service of all within the program helping the IT, communication, digital economic coverage and the operation of the practical technical training workshops of the groups and teams integrating the project platform dedicated to local activities. The promoters are looking for funding from the State, organizations and people wishing to join this great professional adventure. 

Why will the cooperative enterprise be successful?

With the contribution of development experts, the niche product could (6) promote systemic activities of unemployed youth: based on realizations of ideologies relating to any secure system as a whole, to ensure human and social progress in all field (agricultural, livestock, food, economic, health, humanitarian, legal, communicational, advertising, literary, well-being of body and mind, sports, social, cultural, educational, environmental hygiene);  from the State of Cameroon, as well as support from local and foreign partners, a local company will emerge with the creation, development and profitability of executives who are active in the operation of the product integrated into the positions of grassroots groups, constituting the actions of each management team operating under the same model as the niche product of AGCE Groupe. In order to gain his financial independence, a young user should integrate a Modeling Framework and adapt to the policies put in place until the end of his autonomy.

In addition, the project will remain united with the actions of its executive and beneficiary members, it will evolve with the activity of its communities, volunteer members having learned from it, even after reaching its climax, the activity will continue to grow thanks to to a controlled management of the organization of tasks on a digital basis of software services for saaS or "Digital and physical affiliation member's service" or "service of the active member in digital and physical affiliation".

It is a question of saying that, "those who buy an alternative job as a simple solution to their human and social development to create a company under this model, will gain its financial and general independence from its department, they will benefit from a right private franchise of the projects management to develop the position in their respective locality piloted from an online supervision center based in Douala.

Many will continue to progress (natural and legal persons) with new and old groups locally or abroad thanks to a system of digital services and saaS, set up by the private and public policies of the commissions integrated in the support of the groups. of AGCE international with its software for saaS, AgceAppCenter to gain financial independence to support his family for life.

About the company group where to fit?

NAME OF THE SUPERVISORY MANAGER of the Project. Contact your Advisor Prof. JACOB (Josué SAMPA)

The power of numbers

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