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Identifying a target market is no easy task.

Coordinateur Général

Joshua SAMPA

Project coordinator at AGCE

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All About Niche Markets - Complete Guide

Activité du marché des Niches

How niche marketing differs from general marketing


Identifying a target market is no easy task. This is indeed one of the vital elements that informs you about the market you want to target and how it can bring the maximum benefit to you, your consumers and your prospects. In other words, it will be easy for you to meet the needs and wants of your customers in a much more efficient way only if they are all grouped according to their tastes and wants.

What is a niche?

Niche is a term that has been used by the majority of businesses over the past few years.

A niche

  • is not a “main stream” product,

  • a product which is not readily available in the company's usual stores,

  • a product that incorporates significant application and interest in a particular segment of society, which creates a desire to purchase for that particular segment only,

  • a product whose reliability and expected sales power are ensured by its appeal in this segment.

It may seem strange to a lot of people, but the reality is that when they discuss and strategize to find niche products, they actually prefer to promote a strategy of “play it safe” or “follow the strategy”. a crowd. Start with a niche

Benefits of a niche market

The niche market is a boon for a business or business if it is well identified and well capitalized through extensive research. At the same time, it is also considered to be risky because it depends on a very small target market and promotes very targeted and limited products and services.

Arguably, a lot of businesses consider a niche niche to be a profitable marketing strategy. In fact, large companies that rarely tap into niche markets have been heavily engaged in it in recent years. There are several factors or advantages that compel companies to use niche markets.

Low competition

The niche market is focused on a niche market in which a seller tailors a limited variety of products that are offered to a particular segment of a company. Since these bespoke products are not offered by any existing company, the seller has the freedom of little or no competition.

For example, Tesla by creating full electric cars rather than conventional fuels like petroleum, gasoline and diesel, instantly made himself very specific and unique. At the same time, the product is establishing itself as the major competitor of the major automobile manufacturers, which allows it to be in a healthy segment of the market without any pressure from the large companies.

Low start-up costs

As the niche products or services offered by the business are limited, the start-up costs are low compared to general products. This is considered to be one of the huge benefits for niche businesses. The need to spend a lot of money on a product or service is greatly reduced since you focus entirely on the niche product.

This way there is a better allocation of funds, especially in the specialization process. In response to the wide assortment of products offered by large companies, niche companies are devoting their attention and financial resources to winning customers and strengthening their market presence. In addition, it avoids the need to find a solution to all the problems. Rather, it allows you to focus on a single product and devote all your efforts to improving the characteristics of that product or service.

Customer selection and satisfaction

In niche marketing, the products or services offered are undoubtedly limited. However, the niche product or service has a specialized character which plays a major role in increasing the chances of customer satisfaction and retention. The business not only increases its efficiency by eliminating unhappy customers, but it also builds customer trust and loyalty. In other words, it can also be said that the niche business depends more on customer loyalty than on the quantity of customers.

There is a big difference between niche marketing and generalist marketing. They are described below.

  • In generalist marketing, businesses target large numbers of consumers for a low-cost or low-cost product or service. By targeting the masses there will surely be a high volume of sales, but with a lower margin in the profit element because there is very little difference between the cost of making a product and selling it at the end. . On the contrary, in niche marketing, a business targets a certain group of consumers (specialist consumers) from whom it can achieve a high profit margin. This is why small businesses or businesses are considered the best for niche marketing.

  • Niche marketing is always targeted at a smaller segment or market. This is where a company has devoted all of its attention and concentration. In addition, the markets targeted by niche marketing are not covered by traditional suppliers. On the other hand, general marketing is tied to large segments which ultimately generate significant revenue. For example, if a general marketing strategy has targeted parents, a niche marketing strategy will target a particular group of parents, such as single parents.

  • In the case of general marketing, the goal is to attract as many customers as possible. As the strategy reaches out to the masses, consumers of different origins, races, genders, and statuses are on the general marketing radar. On the contrary, the strategy used in niche marketing is to target only a certain group of consumers whose tastes and preferences match your niche product. As the research has been done beforehand, it is very unlikely that other segments of the population will be attracted to your offer. They are therefore not targeted.

  • General marketing uses expensive media to target consumers. It includes spending on prominent media, including television, print, radio, and the Internet, as well as on secondary media, such as billboards and billboards. These forms are very expensive. On the contrary, in niche marketing the allocated budget is low compared to the general marketing budget. It lacks the capacity to meet the needs and wants of the general public. As a result, the medium that has been widely used in niche marketing is the Internet (emails) due to its economic cost. Besides the Internet, niche marketing also uses magazines to some extent which may include trade journals.

  • In general marketing, people in droves are targeted. Therefore, the targeted message also reaches people who are not interested in the products or services offered by your business. Therefore, the conversion rate is quite low. Money is wasted in large quantities along with the wastage of time. Art, on the other hand, in niche marketing, the message is targeted only to those who are interested. Thus, there is less waste of money, time and effort in niche marketing campaigns.

The different types of markets that can be targeted

There are different types of market with different characteristics. before knowing in which market you want to position your business, it is important to understand the implications of this decision depending on the type of market. Start with a niche

Target market

This type of market is made up of your key customers who have the same needs and wants. While you haven't described their needs in detail, you are in a better position because you know who your target market is. It can be a larger or smaller scale project. However, it is not only their needs that are important, but also their needs that will ultimately play a decisive role.

Secondary market

This is the market that is related to your target market, but it is not the segment that earns you the majority of income. For example, a company that manufactures roofs, their primary target market is buyers who replace their roofs. In addition, the same company also has the aftermarket which contains residential segments which repairs roofing. Although most of the income is taken from the primary sector, the secondary market nonetheless makes a useful contribution to the roofing business.

There will always be a secondary market for your product even if you haven't identified or defined it correctly. However, if it has been identified, it is always best not to target the target market and the secondary market at the same time. This results in the expansion of your marketing activities into the broad areas which can become difficult to monitor and can also result in heavy losses for your product and possibly the image of the company can also be compromised.

Niche Market

This type of market is made up of your potential or potential customers who have a different need that no business meets. It is not easy to identify your niche market. However, when it is discovered, it is sure that you will derive a lot of income from this market. For example, a graphic designer whose main job is to design illustrations for billboards would be very helpful if they found a niche in designing e-book covers.

By integrating the date of your customers, it will be easy for you to define the following markets more precisely.

Niche products

Fruit de mer

Main target market

Incorporating customer information into your primary target market will allow you to confirm that the needs and wants of customers in that group are the same.

One method of identifying “niche products” is to get ahead of your competition by discovering a specific, unique and special demand in the company that is under-supplied.


As soon as the special demand is identified, you can begin to research supplies that can meet that demand. Supplies can be searched in a way that is not followed by the majority.

  • Identify foreign markets or many localized markets that ignore regular products.

  • Thoroughly research the Internet for suppliers who have promising products but ineffective marketing tools.

  • Exploration of new products at various trade shows.

  • Build strong relationships with manufacturers to find innovative designs, features and functions for niche products.


In addition, it is also observed that the product that you are selling may not be a “niche” but the market place that you are promoting. In other words, you can move from a “niche product” strategy to a “niche customer group” strategy that allows you to earn income from non-niche products. For example, markets recognized as enthusiastic markets will contain ultra-specialized products, but there is also a high probability of selling generic products to the same segment at a much higher price. To be more precise, people who enjoy fishing will normally buy fishing rods and lines, but they will also pay attention to non-specialized items which may consist of drinks, bottles, bags, camping chairs, outdoor clothing, etc. .

In this way, you can save the customer time by placing related products next to specialty items, which has a greater chance that consumers are willing to pay higher prices. It will be convenient for people as it provides the element of “one stop shopping” as practiced in large supermarkets. Therefore, people with the enthusiastic mindset can be easily targeted with the non-specialized items at a slightly higher price and can earn you substantial profits.

Tout savoir sur un niche

Niche product ideas

Femme stressé

It is difficult to get niche product ideas.


However, there are a few product ideas that can provide you with a stepping stone to move forward. Therefore, you should start by taking into consideration the obvious which is that every individual faces problems. This is where you can get your first product from. People are always engaged in some problem in their life. Solving their problems will be the goal of your success. Therefore, what you need to do is come up with some unique product ideas which can bring relief to their problems.

If the aforementioned task is demanding, the next idea you can think of is of the latest trends that have taken center stage in the market. To keep up to date with the latest trends, you can turn to the Internet, TV, magazines and newspapers. Once you are up to date with the newest and hottest developments in the market, you are in a better position to invent a product that is associated with the existing trend.

Also, another idea from which you can build one or more niche product (s) is to explore the old product (s). All you have to do is grab any old product, analyze its features and performance, figure out which segment it is for, and identify its weaknesses. The next step would be to find ways to improve, modify or improve the old product. Finally, give it a new brand name along with the new features and promote it to the market.

Moreover, there may be another idea that allows you to create a niche for your product that is completely different from the previous target market. The development of this niche requires experience and a great knowledge of the different brands on the market. When you have a distinct niche for your product, it will automatically be easier for you to differentiate it from regular products and it will be highly regarded in this new segment.

The other idea that can be capitalized on is adding related products to the existing product (s). For example, if your product is a mobile phone, you can add related items to it like blue teeth, headphones, and covers. With innovative packaging, you can experience selling your product.

Besides the major ideas mentioned above, there are some ideas that can be considered, such as renovating a mature product by making changes to its design. In addition, you can engage with consumers to find out their likes and dislikes and what new things they want in a product. This will give you even more ideas about your niche products.

Targeting with niche products

It is quite obvious that when a business has a product or service to offer, it is very unlikely that all consumers will purchase that product or service. In the niche market arena, all of your marketing efforts are focused on a specific segment of the company. This is the segment that reflects promising demand for your product. Therefore, before targeting this particular segment of the company, it is always best to conduct a niche research that will help you explore the different characteristics of your segment. With this knowledge, you will find your product in a good selling position.

There are various things that should be taken into account when analyzing the niche market. First and foremost, one must identify important demographic variables which may include gender, age, income level, ethnic groups in the market. The next step is to focus on the 3 W's which are described below:

  • Who do you market your product to? WHO

  • Where are they located? WHERE

  • Why are they considered “very likely” when purchasing your product? WHY


When it comes to advertising, the information accumulated in the market can give you the right direction and help you define the strategies for your niche products. If the products are offered online, this requires extensive research into the keywords that will be used for the niche products. It can include words as well as phrases that will play a vital role in promoting your niche products. Targeting niche products would be beneficial in two ways.


First, it will increase the income of the business. Second, it can give you the option of being selective about the ad program that you want to pursue. It becomes easy and achievable when you know your target segment. In addition, you can also use affiliate marketing. With the support of the affiliates, it becomes easy to attract more users to the website. At the same time, the content of the site must be original and interesting for the users. In addition, you can also implement the interactive approach by which you use social networking sites such as LinkedIn or Facebook. These sites allow you to create associations that have the potential to convert into future customers. Another important platform for niche products is the various discussion forums on the internet which can provide you with valuable information about potential niches and targeting strategies.

Once the niche market has been identified or the niche products have been developed, it is imperative to attract them through advertising. This way they will realize that you have the product they are looking for. Moreover, once there is a healthy and strong interaction with the target market, they will know more about you and your niche product. This will increase your customer base due to the exposure of your niche products in the market and in the minds of the targeted niche.

Targeting with niche products

Passion plays a vital role in the activities we carry out in our daily life. Identifying and developing a niche market is strongly linked to your passion. It has been said by a lot of people and experts that instead of finding a niche market with just one reason to make money identify the niche that you are most passionate about.

This will automatically increase your chances of long term success. There is a very strong logic behind this assertion. When you are passionate about something in your life it is obvious that you will be giving the maximum amount of time, energy, and cost to that particular thing. Other daily activities would take center stage in your life. All of your focus and dedication would be focused on achieving the goal you are passionate about.

The same goes for the niche market. This passion will allow you to devote maximum time, energy and money to identifying and analyzing the important variables that will lead to the identification of a successful niche market. Likewise, if you are looking for a niche on the internet, the passion would require you to make a great website, generate significant user traffic, and make huge income for your business. Plus, when the passionate goal is achieved, it gives you loads of joy and happiness. On the contrary, if you don't show an interest in the topic you are studying, there is a rare chance that you will come to the desired conclusion. In the case of an online niche, you will be reluctant and reluctant to work on your website, and spend less than the time needed to monitor and maintain the website. If there is a lot of passion, the result will meet your expectations.

One of the most important things that you should take into consideration during the niche market process is your preference and comfort in the subject. It is quite clear that a person who is an expert in websites, for example, will be fully aware of the ins and outs of the niche market or any other subject in which he is engaged. It is the level of interest and commitment that increases the amount of creativity shown in the work. Once the interest is there, the task becomes simple and spontaneous for you. In addition, it helps to avoid the hindrance of original and innovative ideas and thoughts. In addition, the task requires regular entry and updating on your part. This is only possible if your interest and passion show consistency in the work. This way, you are in a strong position to accomplish the task effectively and efficiently.

Therefore, the most important that has been deciphered is the importance of the passion behind any work you do in your life.

Choose the niche

Choosing a niche market depends on several important factors. These factors are not taken into account as they should be, as they play a huge role in the success of the business. The choice of the niche market, by many experts, is seen as a challenge for the company. Hence, there are no hard and fast rules to follow in identifying the profitable niche market. It takes a lot of time, energy and money to find a suitable niche for the business. The point is that instead of focusing on the customers who are eager to buy the products, it is better to focus whether or not there is a high demand for your product. Many companies focus entirely on “gold nuggets” (high demand niches with modest competition). However, it should not be the only focal point when choosing a niche market. There are important guidelines that can make a positive contribution in choosing a niche market.

The niche must be lucrative

This implies that the niche market is large enough in terms of people willing to buy products or services from the niche market. In addition, the profitable niche market should not contain strong competitive forces. The presence of competitive rivals will eat away most of your share of the profits. Hence, you need to make sure that the competition is very minimal to make your job easier.

The doghouse must have a fairly long lifespan

Upon careful analysis for the niche market, you will observe varieties of niches that are considered “gold nuggets”. These types of niches have the potential to attract many businesses. However, one should also keep in mind how long will they be attractive? The duration of the niche market is very important. For example, if you choose the world of football as your niche market, that niche market will only last for a few days. The popularity of this niche market will soon be a thing of the past. Hence, you need to make sure that the niche that has been chosen should have the highest growth rate.

So, choosing a niche is both artistic and scientific and it takes considerable business experience to properly analyze the true potential of the niche.

Analysis of your niche potential

Formation program en ligne

The analysis of the niche potential is very important for the company. Analysis tasks are very demanding and demanding.


If the intention to target a niche market stems from a hobby, then this is an important question. On the contrary, if it has a business purpose, it behooves you not to repeat the mistakes that other companies have made that have ended up being unhappy and discouraged from continuing with their activities. To avoid this scenario, it is recommended that you follow some guidelines that can help you analyze the potential of the niche.

Obviously, any product that you want to sell in the market has to be attractive to the general public.

To measure its true potential:

  • the easiest and most economical way is to research its attractiveness on the Internet. Make a list of three to five niche ideas and type them into Google Trends. The graphic will appear that will reflect the most popular to the least popular ideas.

  • the next step is to visit the Google Adwords webpage and type your niche idea in the search box. There you will find the paid sponsored ads at the top and bottom of the page. Through this, you will know which niche ideas are funded by people, which will give you more information about the niche potential. Finally, type the niche idea into's search box. Here you will find books on your niche market and niche products, if any, to give a more specific conclusion on your niche decision.

  • the next method of determining the potential of a niche is to match it to the probability of a fad. This is the question that is rarely addressed by companies. This has a major bearing on the outcome of your decision. He wants you to be vigilant and vigilant, no matter how many consumers buy your product, that the niche you are targeting is not a fad. For example, in the vitamin and supplement industry, this retail business has witnessed the introduction of supplements such as bee pollen, shark cartilage, deer antler velvet and the like in every quarter of the year. the year. However, their appeal and appeal never lasted long, and they were not considered as popular as vitamin E and related supplements. Therefore, you should be aware that the niche you are looking for does not fall within the fashionable realm.

  • last, but not least, the competition method. There are two thoughts on this method. A group of people believe that the identified niche is not targeted by any business. In other words, there must be no competition, which is highly unlikely in today's world. The other group of people is of the opinion that the niche market has to be competitive because it will give you a substantial profit compared to a niche market without competition. Therefore, the competition map must be well studied in order to have a conclusive result on the niche potential.

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