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Demandez un financement pour un projet agralimentaire

Palais du Goût AGCE Groupe / Agri-food (PROFESSIONAL PROJECT "Help for professional retraining")

Service de personnalisation du projet Palais du gout

Integration mechanism for professional retraining M / F.  

"Affiliate yourself to personalize this professional project in order to act in an associative group of AGCE Whether you are at the arrondissement, departmental or regional level, you can receive significant financial aid."

Type of Service 

Program of  creation of self-employment and businesses based on the Palais du Goût model AGCE Groupe - Agri-food product, therefore transforming organic agricultural food into harmless food.  


Product summary: 

It is a personalization service for the AGCE Groupe Palais du Goût product through the creation and integration of processing units for organic agricultural food into innocuous fresh and / or dry foods intended for consumption on local and international markets. suitable for human and animal nutrition. It is integrated on an online platform of downloadable and physical services and products, offered by Agce App Center to an entrepreneur or an individual, with the aim of offering him professional support.  


Student, retiree, events, home service, room service, on-demand service, Caterers, Local and international supermarkets, digital affiliation, business coaching, SEO-Social saling training, E-Advertising. .. 

Palais du Goût AGCE Group / Food industry

(PROFESSIONAL PROJECT "Help for professional retraining")

Douala, Cameroon


The PALAIS DU GOÜT AGCE Group is  a Product created by Agce App Center to provide simplified assistance in the creation of a business processing fresh and dry food into safe food for consumption in local and international markets. It can be personalized into an organic food processing company marketed on local and international markets and supermarkets such as an integration device for professional retraining M / F affiliated in an associative group of AGCE, it allows social reintegration, empowerment of disadvantaged local and foreign layers of Cameroon and Africa.

Number order 


General description of the project

According to the study carried out by the FAO in 2015, accommodation, food, clothing and treatment remain basic human needs, particularly among the most vulnerable or disadvantaged local and foreign layers living in Cameroon. The PALAIS DU GOUT AGCE Groupe product offers M / F people in addition to a temporary reception area a certain preparation for lasting social integration through the professional retraining of men and women who wish to work in the agro-food sector. , organic quality and get an online business formula that can help them leverage. AGCE Groupe's Palais du Goût experts use the principle of accounting and finance, HR and administration management, bank payment transactions (Visa Card, Master Card, etc.), payroll and fixed and mobile invoicing, electronic commerce to help you achieve your individual and business objectives online, internally and externally, in particular to help you ensure trade between your services and the populations of Cameroon and then of the African sub-region Central. The product go up, offers an online business that is both simple, less expensive and allows it to stand out against the competition. A simplified process is one of the main advantages of setting up your online business, in particular doing an online business can in principle be done from your home. Certain steps such as: finding premises to set up the company's head office are therefore superfluous.  


The Palais du Goût AGCE Groupe focuses on: The creation and development of a local processing, processing and packaging center for fresh, dry or raw organic food into commercial food. It will be a question here for the promoters of the product (Agce App Center) to provide a simplified support, to the individual and to the company who arrive in the sector,) to be able to satisfy the requirements of production of food safety of commercial quality locally, intended for consumption by humans, animals internationally, favorable to the health of consumers and the environment. Factory services will be provided at the request of users living either in Cameroon or internationally (the Cameroonian or African diaspora or by Westerners, USA, Asia, etc.). The center is managed by a team of professional caterers who employ experienced qualified technicians to train local youth in the sector in 3 months or 6 months.


Product Advantages:


The final goal of the company, being to welcome young people in need of the informal sector or in a transitional situation, student interns, retirees M / F specializing in the sector and provide them with an evolving working environment in the center. production as employment in order to ensure their progress.


The Palais du Goût AGCE Group has a specific product / service delivery segment, using:

  1. professional retraining assistance tools

  2. support for the creation and animation of a teleworking center.

In addition, development tools for your business facilitate the use of an online store, sales accounting services, finance and fixed and mobile banking transactions ... which are available for free with the help of Agce App Center, which makes them accessible to as many people as possible.


It is therefore possible to let us help you easily create:

  • Your own brand online

  • Your quality business services and products

  • Help you to be able to face the competition:

    1. To better manage your business on the internet  

    2. In the development of the project (plan) for the creation of the company's services

    3. To test your activity

    4. To be communicated on social networks

    5. To ensure the good referencing of the site

    6. To succeed in your procedures and formality, to develop your online business

    7. To recruit users and conclude self-employment and individual contracts

    8. To turn to the corporate form

Do you want to easily write your business plan and find financing?

Have you always been drawn to business? Do you want to start your own business and become self-employed? For that, you need the services which helps to know how to create an economical company online and in the field. Download your Pre-Project

Conditions to be fulfilled

The Palais du Goût AGCE Groupe, is a professional project which is a device for the integration of young men and women in the agrifood sector from a native transformation center of an AGCE-AppCenter group for saaS or simply from the organization AGCE intended for the employment of the voter who seeks to become provide expert services to users and to a self-employed person; to qualify to obtain the personalized professional project and integrate a lasting job. The condition is to prepare for a rapid training course in HR management and business administration to create and work on the development of your professional project in the Palais du Taste model AGCE Cameroonian group of type `` agrifood at the district level, departmental or regional '' or able to satisfy the area where the demand for economic, social and socio-professional support remains very high, due to a high concentration of promiscuity and prostitution of girls and women disadvantaged by the absence of a framework for welcome in particular foreigners and peasants from the Far North, North West and South West and other regions.


You must be assisted by a volunteer who should advise you and help you create and develop your professional digital economic platform to meet the simple conditions set by AGCE in terms of company positions and self-employment for young people seeking, a professional retraining at district, departmental or regional level.


Be assisted by a volunteer who should help them create and develop their professional digital economic platform to meet the simple conditions set by AGCE in terms of company positions and self-employment for young people seeking professional retraining at the departmental level or regional. Be between 15 and 35 years old and be in good physical and mental health, not have a criminal record and reside close to the group or in one of the countries on the eligibility list to become an expert volunteer ( e) professional adviser.


The candidate should complete prerequisites such as:


  • Register in advance for a native group of the action program of the AGCE organization.


  • Have a CAP / BEPC level (with or without a diploma) or a baccalaureate level (without having obtained the diploma).


  • Have identified at least the Palais du Goût AGCE Groupe / Agroalimentaire project as its professional avenue for your lasting affiliation.  


  • Be ready to invest financially, physically and morally by becoming affiliated with the targeted professional project and to make an informed commitment to qualifying training by following your supervisor.

Produits frais



Help content

The professional user of his personalized project "Palais du Goût AGCE Groupe" being a member registered in a support group of AGCE, is helped by a volunteer expert as part of his professional project, to create and develop the business for which he or she is seeking funding.


He or she will first benefit from the work of the engineer who will advise him to work for the prior personalization of the professional project into a business model, specifically structured, by displaying his secure professional digital economy B2B, TPS 1.0, Web 2.0 , SSL in a single shareable interface in order to offer the candidate a job in human resources management and sustainable administration.  To download  the file.


The beneficiary will be helped by training on the objectives of the company, on the commitment to be made as a user of its services to ensure the continuity of the action of which the main user is preparing to carry out his activity there, in offering public and private services, by selling products of its brand, by recruiting members of its work team and new members recruited in the employment provided by the personalization of Ponty-Cameroon through a digital economic platform of company dedicated to the young self-employed person this to the basic model for his professional retraining. 

It will benefit:


•      a furnished environment,

•      an online and live reception area,

•      a minimum financial support of FCFA 4,000,000 (6,106.87 euros),


"This sum could evolve up to FCFA 30,569,393.75 (EUROS 46,671) and up to FCFA 91,708,181.25 (140,012.49 euros) depending on the level of involvement of the professional project in professional retraining young people at the district, departmental and regional level. "


  • an allowance for housing, food, clothing, education, health and welfare for the secondment of the candidate from the family helper, and even if he continues to live in the family, he should be completely detach from the financial support of the parents if name, he should register as a trainee candidate.


  • In addition to all these benefits, other rewards per% and fixed amount will be possible for life.  


Per percentage offered as a reward to the beneficiary of a personalized active platform:

Calculated at the rate of% on the turnover achieved by the performance of the Platform of your personalized online business:


  • Commission rate to be collected 30%,

  • Premium per point to be collected accumulated on the activity 10%,

  • Flying Blue Ticket (Annual Bonus) 5%.


Therefore, the amount after conversion of the percentage to be shared with the main active member of the personalized multi-service platform, due to the financial levy for employment and the recommendation of his platform to the same model to a friend who the payroll has an identical value to that disbursed by the main user at the base, of FCFA 754,000 (1,151.14 euros).




Reward 1: Net commission, FCFA 410 125 x 30/100 = FCFA 123 087.5

Reward 2 : Net premium, FCFA 410 125 x 10/100 = FCFA 41 012.5

Reward 3: Blue Flying Ticket FCFA 410 125 x 5/100 = FCFA 20 506.25


  • practical technical support given by a volunteer in a cooking or food health or well-being workshop and training to become a trainer in an online digital economic workshop for a total of 3 to 6 months with work placement.


The workshop managers are mixed (girls and boys of displaced persons, internal immigrants or not, and will be able to welcome nationals from all regions for a limited period of 3 to 6 months with placement in the company.


The Palais du Goût AGCE Groupe, mainly deals with girls and boys in rupture or in transition phase, adults M / F needing professional retraining with a mastery of the professional digital economy through profitable activity channels and with high added value, commonly well practiced with services / products to be delivered locally or abroad.

How to apply?

The beneficiary of the concept must send their application to department level online or follow the advice of their advisor in their affiliated group. Contact your Service Post advisor to make the request, coordinates in your personal space on

  • Available Online

    Chargé(e) d'accompagnement et d'Aide à la reconversion professionnelle...

    Read More

    3 hr 30 min

    29,340 Central African CFA francs
Concept performance

The Palais du Goût wants to offer a transitional welcome, digital economic training in the management of a sustainable alternative workstation and food aid to families of paying people, to underprivileged and / or displaced young girls, women, men and boys, refugees. interns in social or family breakdown or even simply help these populations in transition phase.

This is to provide permanent support to each professional user and student trainee who hide in despair in isolated communities of urban districts, without a future because of prostitution to which is added the COVID-19 coronavirus disease pandemic, this with the misery that prevails in the slums of Cameroon and Africa. The results of the project translate into an improvement in the quality of life of young girls, women, men and children of each locality who have followed the courses in these workshops and a safer lifestyle and good bodily health. The moral culture of the spirit, the clothing contribution as well as the organic foods that everyone benefits from hot meals offered to consumers, encourage them to cultivate themselves with food processing trades to provide restaurants, offer to the Center Palais du Gout qualified employee results without worrying about their hunger.

The Palais du gout, is a professional project aimed at extending its help to people without landmarks (needy), to teach them the profession of organic quality cooking in partnership with the GCHCR-CR Resto du Cœur, so that they regain self-confidence and convert effectively into self-entrepreneurship gradually by using multiple practices drawn from our support workshops.

In addition, a program of agro-food and agro-pastoral instruction workshops (AIAA-Travail e vie) aimed solely at young people in search of employment and professional project, allows these young people to be accompanied towards future with the help of volunteer experts in socio-professional integration, in the agricultural and livestock sector, to support those who join their family unit with a tailor-made business or a sustainable job after 3 to 6 months of tender with complete confidence and assurance ...

Leading team

The digital economic workshops allow volunteers and experts to take action during group sessions in agrifood settings, the Restos du Cœur remotely, offline and by webinars.

The management team intervenes at a double level necessary to lead the organization: on the human, social and technical level. The role of the management team is to motivate human resources (HR) through internal (training, communication, etc.) and external actions (sharing, exchanges, invitations, etc.) in order to strengthen the feeling of belonging beneficiaries: volunteers, volunteers, partners, employees and users.


The Managers of the project in Amon are: the Management team of the AGCE-ACTION GLOBALE Organization… including its Coordinator and General President Mr Josué SAMPA NKWENDJEU (Expert in professional digital economic development, expert system and artificial intelligence…) and Downstream : a team of engineers following and Administering each applicant in his professional retraining. The whole is part of a group which is an organ of action on the Internet and in the field, made up of a Master expert in local and foreign gastronomic agro-food, a Field Team Leader with extensive professional experience. altruistic, and a protractor.


The managers are also responsible for coordinating all the human resources of the base group to ensure consistency in the actions carried out within the organization.

Grant and spinoff

The forecasts which are communicated in the feasibility and profitability plan appended to this preliminary project show rapid growth of the AGCE Groupe Palais du Goût project once the personalization dedicated to each user is completed. In this phase, each customization completed, its implementation phase will serve as an example in 3 years of its functioning both numerically and physically, serving to develop its economy, except for unforeseen events. The project is in solidarity with the groups who participate in its use, its development until the empowerment of the one who subscribes to it to seek help with its personalization in a professional capacity, this explains the returns of the project. very attractive net assets, such as: the study of the feasibility plan that could be delivered to local and external financiers for public and private subsidies. Contact us Click here and contact us to discuss the feasibility plan of the project


The attached forecasts show a rapid growth of the cooperative enterprise after its physical establishment and its growing development by the end of three years (3 years). In the third year from its launch, the project will reach 100% of its completion. The maximum support required amounting to a total of: CFAF 91,708,181.25 (140,012.49 euros) over the duration of the execution of the AGCE-ACTION GLOBALE program…… spread over the duration of the execution of the AGCE program which will be completed by 2026.

But the initiators wish to bring together: FCFA 30,569,394 (EURO 46,670.83) in the first year of the launch of the professional project by each young member of the project to personalize it in order to ensure their social professional reconversion through employment or development of his business. What represents the support of the organization AGCE itself, covers the incubation of the project within the program helping the IT, communication, digital economic and operational coverage of the practical technical training workshops of the groups and teams integrating the platform. from the project to local activities. The promoters are looking for funding from the State, organizations and people wishing to join the professional project.

Why will the cooperative enterprise be successful?

With the contribution of the State of Cameroon, as well as the support of local and foreign partners, a local company will see the light of day with the creation, development and profitability of executives who are active in the operation of the project integrated into grassroots groups. , constituting the actions of each management team operating under the same model as PALAI DU GOÛT AGCE Groupe. In order to gain his financial independence, a young user should integrate a Modeling Framework and adapt to the policies put in place until the end of his autonomy.

In addition, the project will remain united with the actions of its executive and beneficiary members, it will evolve with the activity of its communities, volunteer members having learned from it, even after reaching its completion point, the activity will continue to grow. grow thanks to a controlled management of the organization of tasks on a digital basis of software services for saaS or "Digital and physical affiliation member's service" or "service of the active member in digital and physical affiliation".

This is to say that, "those who buy an alternative job as a simple solution to their human and social development to create a business under this model, from his department, they will benefit from a private franchise right of the management. of the project to develop it in their respective locality piloted from an online supervision center based in Douala.

Many will continue to progress (natural and legal persons) with new and old AGCE - PALAIS DU GOUT groups locally or even abroad thanks to a system of digital and saaS services, set up by the integrated private and public policies of AGCE. international through its software for saaS, AgceAppCenter to help young people provide public and private services / products to Leverage, by becoming Leader of a professional service group of the digital affiliate program for saaS of AGCE - Palais du Goût and gain financial independence in order to support their family for life.

About the company

NAME OF THE SUPERVISORY MANAGER of the Project.  Contact your


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